Welcome to the Car Catalog Search page.
There are multiple options to search our extensive catalog. Search results are broken out into the following categories: Castings, Sets, Series, and Variations. Most search results
will have results in multiple categories. To expand or collapse the results in a category, simple click on the arrow on the right of the category. Selecting a search result
item will take to a page with more information about that specific item.
Text search will search for the given text in the Casting's name, Variation's name and description field, Series' name, and Sets' name fields.
Partial searches work very well and you can specify multiple search terms by separating each with each with a space. For example "cla cob" will match "Classic Cobra"
Alphabetical will find all in the Castings, Series, and Sets whose name starts with the selected character or number.
Year will find all in the Castings, Series, and Sets that came out in the selected year. To pick a year, select the decade of the year and then select
the specific year you are interested in.
Latest will list show the latest Variations added to the catalog. This doesn't necessarily mean newest, we are constantly adding older items as well
the newest items found in stores.
Random will pick 20 variations randomly from the database. It's always interesting to see what comes up!