1972 Mantis

General information

The Mantis is a Wave 2 release from 1972. It is made using the US version of the casting, dated 1969. Produced in four colors, the Mantis features a black interior and lightly smoked canopy glass. These are the only distinguishing features of the CIPSA version. The Mantis was only available in track sets.
Sort: Label   Toy number   Year   Name  
A1: Green CIPSA
B1: Orange CIPSA
C1: Blue CIPSA
D1: Purple CIPSA
Related Castings: 6
A1: Blue - White Interior
6975 1973
C2: Green - White Interior
6975 1973
F2: Orange - White Interior
6975 1973
G2: Pink - White Interior
6975 1973
H2: Plum - White Interior
6975 1973
I2: Red - White Interior
6975 1973
J2: Yellow - White Interior
6975 1973
A1: Green
X0535 2012
A1: Blue - HK
6423 1970
B1: Light Green - HK
6423 1970
C1: Lime
6423 1970
D1: Magenta - US
6423 1970
E1: Olive
6423 1970
F1: Orange - HK
6423 1970
G1: Pink - US
6423 1970
H1: Rose
6423 1970
A1: Green
15258 1996
B1: White
16934 1997
C1: Black
18813 1998
D1: Black
24102 1999
A1: Red
B1: Gold
C1: White
1512 1987
D1: Purple - Mail In
E1: Purple - Star Explorers
25363 2000
F1: Green - Shark Park
50012 2001