2001 Classic Streamline COE

Sort: Label   Name   Toy number  
B1: Gold cab, black trailer
89850 2000
C1: Gold cab, black trailer
65612 2000
D1: Silver cab, purple tailer
89850 2000
F1: White cab, grey trailer
89313 2001
G1: Red cab, blue trailer
89305 2001
H1: Maroon cab, black trailer
89314 2001
I1: Red cab, black trailer
89383 2001
J1: Silver cab, black trailer
89283 2001
K1: Yellow cab and trailer
89045 2002
L1: Red cab, grey trailer
89345 2002
M1: Silver cab, red trailer
89047 2002
N1: Red cab, blue trailer
47033 2002
O1: Grey cab, black trailer
47039 2002
P1: Orange cab, blue trailer
5136 2007

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