1969 Splittin' Image

General information

One of the first concept cars done by Hot Wheels. The designer was Ira Gilford
Sort: Label   Toy number   Year   Name  
A1: Aqua
6261 1969
B1: Blue
6261 1969
C1: Light Blue
6261 1969
E1: Gold
6261 1969
F1: Green
6261 1969
G1: Olive
6261 1969
H1: Orange
6261 1969
H2: Orange
6261 1969
I1: Purple - Dark int
6261 1969
I2: Purple
6261 1969
J1: Red
6261 1969
K1: Rose
6261 1969
Related Castings: 2
A1: Red
A1: Lime
55055 2002
B1: White
B3575 2004
C1: Yellow - Vintage
5708 1994
D1: Red - 25th Anniversary
5708 1993
E1: Brown - 25th Anniversary
5708 1993
F1: Blue - 25th Anniversary
5708 1993
G1: Aqua - 25th Anniversary
5708 1993
H1: Dark grey
5708 1994