1969 Indy Eagle

General information

Based on the Ford-Weslake Indy Eagle driven by Jochen Rindt in the 1967 Indianapolis 500
Sort: Label   Toy number   Year   Name  
A1: Aqua - Capped
6263 1969
A2: Aqua - Black base
6263 1969
A3: Aqua - Tan Int
6263 1969
B1: Blue
6263 1969
B2: Blue - Capped
6263 1969
C1: Light Blue
6263 1969
D1: Brown
6263 1969
D2: Brown - Capped
6263 1969
E1: Copper
6263 1969
F1: Gold Chrome
6263 1969
G1: Green
6263 1969
G2: Green - Capped
6263 1969
G3: Green - Black base
6263 1969
G4: Green - White Int
6263 1969
H1: Olive - Capped
6263 1969
I1: Orange
6263 1969
I2: Orange - Black base
6263 1969
J1: Purple
6263 1969
J2: Purple - Black base
6263 1969
K1: Red
6263 1969
K2: Red - Tan Int
6263 1969
K3: Red - White int
6263 1969
K4: Red - Black base
6263 1969
L1: Rose - Capped
6263 1969