1968 Custom Volkswagen

General information

Casting : Custom Volkswagen

Years of Production


Country of Origin

US and HK

Casting Variations

US with Sunroof
Hong Kong with Sunroof
Hong Kong, no Sunroof

Interior Colors:

Interior Colors: White, Tan, Brown
US - Clear Glass
HK - Blue Glass

Paint Colors:

blue common
green common
red common
aqua common
antifreeze common
purple uncommon
hard to find
hard to find
hard to find
creamy pink
light blue
very rare
hot pink
very rare
extremely rare
green enamel uncommon
hard to find
light blue
very rare


The Volkswagen "Beetle" is perhaps themost-recognized and best-loved car of all time!
It was first proposed by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche in 1934 as a "people's car" that would be
sufficiently affordable for hundreds of thousands of German citizens. A handful of VWs
were built before World War II, but civilian production did not begin in earnest until after
the war. In 1972, "Beetle" production reached over 15 million, besting a production record
previously held by the Ford Model T. Although the manufacture of "Beetles" in Germany
ended in 1979, the car was produced in Mexico until recently.

Mattel's first version of the Volkswagen Beetle was called the "Custom Volkswagen".
It was actually patterned after an IMC 1:25 scale model that was issued in 1965. Both
the model and the Custom Volkswagen featured a blown V-8 engine, a single front seat
and center steering wheel.

The Custom VW was produced at both the US and HK plants. US-made Custom VWs
featured silver painted headlights, clear windows and sliding sunroof, a metal engine, and
a steering wheel that was molded as part of the interior. White interiors are common,
dark interiors are rare. All US Customs VWs have small (front) and medium (rear)bearing-style wheels.

A brown US Custom Volkswagen

Like the US cars, nearly all HK-made Custom VWs have a sunroof. "No sunroof" cars
(described below) are rare. On HK VWs, the headlights are part of the base of the car and
extend through holes in the car body. Window and sunroof "glass" is tinted blue, and the
engine is made of vacuum-plated plastic. Interiors were done in white, light brown or
dark brown, all with a black steering wheel. HK Bugs have small bearing style wheels in
front, and medium bearing (early) or medium cap style (later) wheels in the rear.

An olive HK Custom Volkswagen.

A pair of purple Custom VWs: HK on the left, US on the right

HK and US Custom Volkswagens in spectraflame orange

HK Custom VWs have a much more detailed base than US cars, and use a single spun "rivet"
to secure the base to the body (US cars have two "rivets").

A comparison of VW bases: HK and US Custom VWs, and the '74 Flying Colors Volkswagen

HK (L) and US (R) "all cap" bases.

A somewhat rare base variation found on the early run models is the "All Caps" version where
the name, "CUSTOM VOLKSWAGEN" is spelled out in all capital letters.

The earliest Custom Volkswagens that were produced by Mattel were made at the HK plant
and did not have a sunroof. These cars were available only in the European market, with most
examples being sold in Germany and the UK.

Blue HK Custom Volkswagens with and without the sunroof.

Besides lacking a sunroof, the "NSR" VWs had other casting differences including no side
windows and a different interior. The following photos highlight some of the differences
between the NSR VWs and their more common counterparts.

Most NSR VWs are blue. A few aqua no-sunroof VWs have been found, as well as extremely
rare cars in orange, red, green, copper, and enamel green.

Four Colors of the HK No Sunroof Custom Volkswagen

NSR Bug in Copper

Super rare NSR in Red

In 1974, Mattel re-worked the US casting for their new line of Flying Color cars. Although the
cars were produced in Hong Kong and lack the sunroof, the design is most similar to the original
US Custom VW. No part of the Flying Colors Volkswagen is interchangeable with the earlier
NSR HK Custom Volkswagen.

Custom Volkswagens in blister packs: antifreeze US (L) and red HK (right).

A hot pink US Custom Volkswagen.

An awesome group of HK Custom VWs!

US Custom VWs in (left to right) red, rose, creamy pink, hot pink and magenta.

An green enamel HK Custom Volkswagen

A "magenta enamel" HK Custom Volkswagen? A cool color whatever it is!
(Now believed to be a severely toned Creamy Pink)
Photo courtesy of Bob Case, Littletoycars.com

A rainbow of the Custom Volkswagen


  Photo & info credits: Roy Kralle & the RLOL community

Sort: Label   Toy number   Year   Name  
A1: Antifreeze - US
6220 1968
B1: Aqua - US
6220 1968
B2: Aqua - HK
6220 1968
C1: Blue - HK
6220 1968
C2: Blue - HK, NSR
6220 1968
C3: Blue - US
6220 1968
C4: Blue - Brown interior
6220 1968
D1: Brown - US
6220 1968
E1: Copper - US
6220 1968
F1: Gold - US
6220 1968
G1: Green - HK
6220 1968
G2: Green - US
6220 1968
H1: Green En- HK
6220 1968
I1: Lime - US
6220 1968
J1: Magenta - US
6220 1968
K1: Olive - US
6220 1968
L1: Orange - US
6220 1968
L2: Orange - HK
6220 1968
M1: Purple - US
6220 1968
N1: Red - HK
6220 1968
N2: Red - US
6220 1968
O1: Rose - US
6220 1968
P1: Red, No Sun Roof
Related Castings: 2
A1: Green
H2935 2005
B1: Red
K3377 2006
C1: Pink - Real Rider
L2100 2008
E1: White - Convention
BLR43 2014
F1: Pink - RLC Party
GDF80 2019
A1: Stripe tampo
7620 1974
A2: Bug tampo
7620 1974
B1: Bug tampo - Wisconsin
7620 1974