1968 Custom Firebird

General information

The Custom Firebird was based on the 1967 Pontiac Firebird. The Pontiac counterpart of the Chevy Camaro, the '67 Firebird was another competitor in the U.S. pony car market.

Mattel's Custom Firebird was made at both the US and HK plants. US cars have a clear windshield and can be found with three interior colors: white, dark brown, and gold varying to silver-gray. HK Firebirds have a slightly "trimmer" body and can be found with brown, silver, white, red or blue interiors and a black steering wheel.

HK (red) and US (blue) Custom Firebirds.

Early-production run HK cars were painted in red and blue with a matching color interior. Most HK Firebirds have a blue-tinted windshield although the early run cars have a clear windshield. US cars came with the silver bearing wheels, while HK cars came with chrome bearing wheels. The early run HK cars often have deep dish wheels on the front axle.

Early run HK Firebirds in blue and red. Note the clear glass, front deep dish wheels and interior colors.

A rare late-run casting variation is the presence of door lines on some US Firebirds. This is likely a result of a slight modification of the die tool as a prelude to creating the 1970 Light My Firebird casting that was part of the "Spoilers" series. Most door line Firebirds have brown interiors although gold interiors are often seen in red cars. Perhaps obviously, door line Firebirds are much less common than Firebirds without door lines.

An antifreeze US Custom Firebird with door lines.
Sort: Label   Toy number   Year   Name  
B1: Aqua - HK
6212 1968
C1: Blue - US
6212 1968
C2: Blue - US - Brn Int
6212 1968
D1: Copper- HK
6212 1968
E1: Green - US
6212 1968
E2: Green - US
6212 1968
E3: Green - US - DL
6212 1968
F1: Olive - HK
6212 1968
F2: Olive - US
6212 1968
F3: Olive - US - Doorlines
6212 1968
G1: Orange - HK, White Int.
6212 1968
H1: Purple - US
6212 1968
I1: Red - HK
6212 1968
I2: Red - HK, Brown Int
6212 1968
I3: Red - US
6212 1968
Related Castings: 2
A1: Light Green
22055 1999
B1: Zamac
22055 1999
A1: Blue
FCM77 2018